BEL MOONEY: How can I find love after facing so much torment?  

Dear Bel,  

One of your responses to a reader’s letter left a deep impression in my heart. Your reply to Jane (published on December 22, 2018) was loving and heartening, and I’m sure it brought comfort to countless readers, as it did for me.

You told Jane: ‘There is always hope, always possibility,’ and encouraged her to see that she could ‘fly’. Now it is me who needs encouragement.

I have reached some pinch points along my long, arduous journey to self-love and self-acceptance. I’m 40 and have been painfully shy for most of my life.

I experienced traumatic domestic violence for close to two decades while growing up.

When I left school, I felt I had lost my self-esteem and ability to communicate. I couldn’t look most people in the eye when they asked me a question, but did find solace in literature, classical music and films.

Thought of the week  

No pain, no palm;

No thorns, no throne;

No gall, no glory;

No cross, no crown.

William Penn (1644-1718) English writer, Quaker and founder of Pennsylvania

My parents discouraged everything I did. I’ve now severed ties with them, and my whole family, although sometimes they are unwelcome visitors in unpleasant dreams.

I met my former husband when I had very low self-esteem; we were married for a few years and I have no ill feelings towards him.

I studied arts at university and now work in education. I love my job — but dealing with adults still poses difficulty.

Slowly I’ve been learning to set healthy boundaries for myself. I was only able to articulate this, in these exact terms, a few years ago. At first I only noticed I had trouble saying ‘no’ to others, and that plagued me immeasurably.

Learning to set personal boundaries, to say ‘no’ whenever I want, has been formidable! I’ve made huge progress over the past few years.

I long for a partner, but I know I have to learn to love and accept myself unconditionally first. I still struggle with this.

Sometimes I feel deeply alone. I don’t know if I will meet a kind-hearted and sensitive man. (If he happens to love literature and music and arts, that will be wonderful.) But I know I have to do my work first. I feel exhausted and overwhelmed.

I’d love you to give me some encouragement — and maybe others would benefit, as I did from your advice to Jane.


This week, Bel advises a reader who is struggling with self esteem and feels overwhelmed and exhausted 

For me it is very gratifying to hear a response on this page can so reverberate, so thank you for telling me.

Sometimes I daydream that we’re all taking part in a great conversation, which can be enlightening, usually rather worrying, and always confusing — as we struggle towards understanding the human condition. And trying to help each other along the way.

Like you, I have always found consolation in reading (especially poetry) and art and music — because you can contemplate one of Rembrandt’s moving self-portraits in old age or Cezanne’s portrait of his old mother, and listen (say) to Schubert’s Death And The Maiden or to the lyric of that moving 2006 song Never Went To Church by The Streets and realise that there is no choice but to come to terms with mortality.

So my first words of encouragement are ‘Open your heart to art’ — even more than you do at the moment.

All the doubt, fear and pain we suffer has been experienced before by men and women of genius who have poured those emotions into creativity. Oh, and the joy, too.

You confessed that you had to ‘hit send before I lose courage and delete [the letter]’. It’s a telling indication of how self-effacing and afraid of life you are.

Yet no wonder. As a child you witnessed ‘traumatic domestic violence’ and that, surely, is the wound you will carry for ever.


More from Bel Mooney for the Daily Mail…

The people who should have protected you exposed you to ugliness, conflict and hatred. No wonder you still have problems dealing with adults — the child in you learned early that they must be mistrusted and feared.

You probably always felt you had to appease adults, too, and that must have fed into your chronic inability to say ‘no’ to things as you grew up. Many of us say ‘yes’ because we long to be needed, but it can allow us to be exploited.

Yet you are learning. You are getting there. Even though tired and easily disheartened, private details in your letter indicate it’s only lack of confidence which is preventing you from seeing just how far you have come. So take heart and believe in yourself. Naturally I’m wondering if you have ever had counselling to help you come to terms with the bitter unhappiness of your childhood.

Your innate mistrust of adults might shift through regular sessions with a sympathetic professional who could help lay the ghosts of your past to rest.

Do think about this. I disagree with your conviction that before you enter a relationship you need to ‘love and accept myself unconditionally’.

There’s a danger in over-thinking, you know.

Maybe you just need to accept who you are, love your really useful work and the things that make you happy, embrace change — and always look up and outwards.

My sick wife insists I give up on her 

Dear Bel,

I have been married for more than 40 years. My marriage has overall been a good one.

We have three children, the eldest of whom was diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer last year. This has caused us stress and upset.

In November last year my wife was diagnosed with a cancer (gynaecological), having been treated for breast cancer some years previously.

This has added to the stress for both of us. My wife is receiving chemotherapy and radiotherapy daily.

Although her oncologist is optimistic the treatment will be successful, she seems unable to accept this and has become angry and abusive, which is seriously affecting our relationship. She has now refused to let me go with her to hospital and will not give me details of her prognosis.

She insists that I should leave her and our home, although this is quite unrealistic.

I have suggested that if she needs a break I will go and stay in a hotel for a bit, but this suggestion has made her more angry. I have been as supportive as I can.

I am now also having health problems and have to have surgery. She knows this, but will not speak about it except to express anger at me for being unwell.

Any attempt at discussion results in her becoming more angry and abusive. I don’t know how to get her emotions back on an even keel to make matters easier for us.


This reminds me of a letter published on February 9, headlined: I’m so hurt my dying husband wants to leave me.

The reader I called ‘Althea’ was upset and angry because her terminally ill husband had, after many rows, decided to face his end without her by his side. I felt she was being less than empathetic to her (clearly desperate) husband and told her so.

To my surprise and delight, she immediately wrote back to thank me for my honesty.

So I suggest that although I feel sympathy for the situation your whole family is facing, I’m wondering if you are misreading the source of your wife’s anger.

You seem to believe she is raging at you — a response you find upsetting and unjust. It is easy to see how, given your own poor health, combined with the ongoing anxiety about your son as well as your wife, it would make anybody despair.

Yet nowhere in your email do I find any hint that you understand your wife’s sheer terror.

You describe her as being angry and aggressive and abusive. But what if all that expresses her all-too-real fear of death? What if she is angry with herself because her own illness prevents her from being a supportive mother to your ill son?

What if she is railing against fate itself — ‘Why is this happening to me?’ What if she longs for you to be calm and strong … yet your own ‘stress’ prevents you from responding to that inarticulate need.

You say she ‘repeatedly suggests that I leave her’. Your response was to say you would stay in a hotel to give her a break.

You see, I think she would have seen your well-meaning suggestion as withdrawal. Even betrayal.

Maybe she wanted you to reassure her that nothing in the world would take you from her side as you face her treatment together.

You and your wife need support — a good place to start would be Macmillan ( It’s worth reading the excellent content, then calling the helpline (0808 808 00 00).

Cancer support specialists can give information about counselling in your area, and there’s a community forum for those who have cancer.

When something major, like a bereavement or a cancer diagnosis, hits a family it can be like an explosion which scatters — driving people apart into their respective regrets and fears. Be aware of that danger and counter it.

It may be that you don’t need to force discussion on your sick, frightened wife but (using Macmillan as a starting point) show her that you do understand her moods and will do everything to help her through this trial.

And finally…Be proud of what you’ve achieved 

I was having lunch with an old friend when unexpectedly she asked: ‘Are you ever sorry you didn’t write your biography of George Eliot?’

I opened my mouth to reply, but she carried on: ‘Because I am! I think it would have been marvellous.’

I assured her I have never regretted not finishing the tome, commissioned by a leading publisher in 1980, because I’ve done so much since then.

To be honest, when I thought about it later I felt rather hurt. Because during the years when I wasn’t slaving in libraries I wrote six novels, more than 30 children’s books, some non-fiction, and thousands of words of journalism. I also presented many interview series for Radio 4 and TV. But my friend’s odd question — and her own reply to it — made me realise she didn’t really value all of that.

Something had locked her into the idea that (yet another) literary biography was somehow more prestigious than any other achievement. When I said (with some spirit) that I value my work for this paper more than everything else, I could see she just doesn’t ‘get’ it.

Bel answers readers’ questions on emotional and relationship problems each week.

Write to Bel Mooney, Daily Mail, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TT, or email [email protected].

A pseudonym will be used if you wish.

Bel reads all letters but regrets she cannot enter into personal correspondence.

It made me reflect (sadly) how easy it is to write scripts for other people’s lives. I never realised she would have valued me more for academic work, and yet she’s hardly the only one to over-rate certain sorts of prestige.

Sometimes after divorce, a woman will find she is dropped by old friends because she no longer has the status of ‘wife’. A man made redundant may feel a friendless failure. What happens if your hitherto successful chum has a breakdown?

I’ve received problem letters from parents who feel let down because their children haven’t done what Mum and Dad felt they should have done.

Ambitious parents put far too much pressure on their kids. But what happens when John doesn’t make the team? Or Jenny drops out? Or Chris finds fulfilment digging soil?

Expect — and be disappointed. Accept — and be surprised.