Britney Spears pops yoga poses in purple bikini during outdoors exercise session shared on Instagram

Britney Spears pops yoga poses in purple bikini during outdoors exercise session shared on Instagram

Britney Spears popped yoga poses in a purple bikini Thursday as she shared her techniques to open up her back and chest on Instagram.

The 38-year-old singer donned a speckled lavender two-piece, white tennis shoes and a white necklace for her yoga session.

‘Today I’m outside and I’m about to do a little bit of yoga to open up my back and my chest,’ Britney said into the camera for her roughly 23.3 million followers on Instagram.

Yoga poses: Britney Spears took to Instagram on Thursday to share yoga poses with her roughly 23.3 million followers

‘And I’m out here with my dogs and we’re going to have a beautiful day,’ Britney added.

She turned the camera to show her dogs who scampered around on a lawn as she said ‘hi’ to them. 

‘My babies,’ Britney said.

Britney stood with her feet hips distant apart and rolled her neck around to start her yoga poses. 

Neck stretch: The 38-year-old singer opened up by stretching her neck

Neck stretch: The 38-year-old singer opened up by stretching her neck

Shoulder action: Britney put her ear toward her shoulder that she then started rotating

Hip swivel: The pop star also started swiveling her hips

Shoulder action: Britney put her ear toward her shoulder that she then started rotating

She then rotated both her shoulders and swiveled her hips before the video switched to black-and-white.

Britney held a plank position before moving into upward-facing dog to downward dog transitions with some cat and cow poses tossed in.

‘In 2020 I will be doing a lot more acro yoga and the basics for yoga …. I’m a beginner and it’s kind of hard to let go …. learning to trust and letting someone else hold your body!!!,’ Britney wrote in the caption. 

Downward dog: The video switched to black-and-white as Britney moved to downward dog

Downward dog: The video switched to black-and-white as Britney moved to downward dog

Strong form: The Piece Of Me showed strong form while in an upward-facing dog pose

Strong form: The Piece Of Me showed strong form while in an upward-facing dog pose

Straight spine: Britney was on all fours with a straight spine

Cat pose: The S&M singer also showed her cat pose movement

Straight spine: Britney was on all fours with a straight spine as she went through cat and cow poses

More yoga: The singer stated on Instagram that she would be doing more 'acro yoga' in 2020

More yoga: The singer stated on Instagram that she would be doing more ‘acro yoga’ in 2020

‘I have a lot of things I keep bottled up so I have to keep my body moving !!!! Thank God for Mother Nature …. she’s really no joke …. she grounds me and helps me find my feet and always opens my mind when I step outside …. !!!! I was lucky today with this beautiful weather,’ she continued.

Britney added: ‘I just flew in from a trip with my family and I ran a 6.8 speed outside my house for a 100 meter yard dash … I did 6 in high school so I’m trying to gain speed !!!! I hurt my thigh so I apologize if my legs look swollen. I hope you all have a wonderful new year and GOD SPEED !!!!! PS I’m so cool with my tennis shoes and yoga it’s the new thing you know!!!!’

The Oops!… I Did It Again singer has sons Sean, 14, and Jayden, 13, with ex-husband Kevin Federline, 41. 

Purple power: The singer wore a purple speckled bikini for outdoor yoga session

Purple power: The singer wore a purple speckled bikini for outdoor yoga session

Beautiful weather: Britney took advantage of the beautiful weather and worked out in a bikini

Beautiful weather: Britney took advantage of the beautiful weather and worked out in a bikini

Breaking free: The singer has been trying to break free from court-approved conservatorship overseen by her father Jamie Spears, 67

Finances controlled: Jamie Spears has overseen his daughter's finances under conservatorship since 2008 following her infamous public breakdown in 2007

Breaking free: The singer has been trying to break free from court-approved conservatorship overseen by her father Jamie Spears, 67

She has been dating Sam Asghari, 26, for the past three years.

Britney has been trying to break free from court-approved conservatorship overseen by her father Jamie Spears, 67,

Jamie has overseen his daughter’s finances under conservatorship since 2008 following her infamous public breakdown in 2007.

Going strong: Britney is shown with her sons Sean and Jayden along with boyfriend Sam Asghari in November 2017 in Los Angeles

Going strong: Britney is shown with her sons Sean and Jayden along with boyfriend Sam Asghari in November 2017 in Los Angeles