Company creates its own texting service to guide people on how to SEXT their partners

SEXT-ual healing! San Francisco company launches a special text service called ‘Slutbot’, which teaches people how to send saucy messages to their partners

  • San Francisco-based company Juicebox released an app entitled Slutbot
  • The app helps guide people on how to sext their partners through a conversation
  • During the conversation, the person messages the Slutbot and receives a series of responses and questions they can answer
  • The free app aims to help people feel more comfortable when sexting
  • Juicebox created  the app and its responses with the help of sex educators and erotic fiction writers to best help the users 

A company has launched its own sexting service that aims to help people learn to be more intimate with their partners via text message.

San Francisco-based company Juicebox released an app called Slutbot in the hope that it can inspire users to have an ‘amazing sex and love life’. The company worked with intimacy experts to develop an application and provide a simple guide to sexting language based on the person’s age, gender and sexual preferences.

The free service is available to anyone over the age of 18, and it requires nothing more than for a person to text the service and request sexting practice and guidance from the app. 

Intimate: San Francisco-based company Juicebox released an app entitled Slutbot. The app helps guide people on how to sext their partners through a conversation (stock photo)

The beginning: During the conversation, the person messages the Slutbot and receives a series of responses and questions they can answer

People can then select what type of Slutbot they want to speak with during the conversation

The beginning: During the conversation, the person messages the Slutbot and receives a series of responses and questions they can answer

Prompted: If a person responds they are male or female, the app will then ask if they prefer to be connected with a male or female Slutbot

Prompted: If a person responds they are male or female, the app will then ask if they prefer to be connected with a male or female Slutbot

To start a conversation, people are encouraged to text ‘slutbot’ to +1 (415) 650-0395, and then the app will prompt the text messages from there. 

‘It sounds like you are looking for some dirty talk,’ the app writes in its first message to users. ‘Dirty talk is a hot and healthy way to communicate during sex. You can even use dirty talk to confirm ongoing consent.’ 

The app then explains that it teamed up with sex educators and erotic fiction writers to help create Slutbot and its variety of responses to users to help get their partner ‘hot and bothered’. 

First, it asks the person to respond with their age and gender to start the simulation. 

If a person responds they are male or female, the app will then ask if they prefer to be connected with a male or female Slutbot. If a person responds they are non-binary, the app will then ask if they prefer to talk to a Slutbot with a vulva or a penis. 

The app sends the person a ‘bot’ that asks for consent before the sexting can start. 

People will then experience a series of texts from the Slutbot to help expand their knowledge of what they should consider texting their partners when sexting. 

Experiences can differ between users depending on if someone selects the ‘Slow & Gentle’ conversation or the ‘Hot & Sexy’ conversation. 

Experiences can differ between users depending on if someone selects the 'Slow & Gentle' conversation or the 'Hot & Sexy' conversation

The bot will then send a series of lenghty texts to get users more comfortable with sexting

Saucy: Experiences can differ between users depending on if someone selects the ‘Slow & Gentle’ conversation or the ‘Hot & Sexy’ conversation

Safe word: Users can stop the conversation at any time if they feel uncomfortable by responding 'pineapple' to the number

Safe word: Users can stop the conversation at any time if they feel uncomfortable by responding ‘pineapple’ to the number 

Another feature included with the service is the ability for someone to end the conversation with the Slutbot whenever they would like. All they need to do is respond to the conversation with the safe word ‘pineapple’ to immediately end all communication. 

The app will then respond: ‘Thank you for taking care of yourself. If you want to try practicing dirty talk again, type SLUTBOT to start over.’  

Male users might find themselves reprimanded by Slutbot if they decide to send an unsolicited penis picture to the app. 

The user will receive the response, ‘D**k pics don’t really do much for me. If you’re good, maybe I’ll send you a photo later.’ At the end of the conversation, the person can then receive a ‘special image’ from the app if they choose. 

Slutbot also does not allow users to use derogatory language such as b**** or w****. 

Juicebox decided to create the app due to the number of requests the company had from customers to offer advice on what was best to sext to partners. 

In an interview with Hello Giggles, Juicebox founder Brianna Rader said the reason for the creation of the app was because there were so many requests from customers seeking sexting advise. 

‘We believe the best way to learn is by doing, which is what inspired us to create an interactive experience that mirrors real life to help people talk about sex,’ she said. 

‘We’ve also gotten feedback from testers that Slutbot has turned them on, so that’s always an added plus! It’s almost like interactive erotica.’ 

The free service just might spice up people’s loves lives over the phone.