Grab rider makes everyone’s day

Sometimes, even the smallest action can make us giggle. We have been inundated with over the past few days by news of the floods which have caused a lot of distress and loss.

Netizens have been active on social media, passing on information about flood relief efforts, and helping each other. In a midst of all this, this adorable scene was caught on live TV, which made many people smile.

During a recent interview with a flood victim that was telecasted live, a Grab rider was spotted walking by in the background.

Realising he was on TV, he kept looking at the camera while showing a peace sign.

People were amused by his lighthearted actions, and the fact that he was carrying a cute rainbow float in his arm.

One user tagged Grab Malaysia and mentioned that the rider deserved a raise for making everyone’s day in these hard times.

You can check the full video here.