Grave-dwelling ‘mutant’ cockroach is making comeback after 60 years 

Grave-dwelling ‘mutant’ cockroach with white eyes that pushes other insects around is making a comeback after 60 years

  • The aggressive mutation of the American cockroach was last seen in the 1950s
  • The latest discovery was found in the Addolorata Cemetery in Paola, Malta 
  • They have white eyes and longer antenna than other variations of cockroach 
  • Researchers have been breeding the new species and already have over 100 

An aggressive, grave-dwelling mutant cockroach is making a comeback 60 years after it was first discovered in a British coal mine. 

Pest controller Arnold Sciberras recently discovered the white-eyed mutation of the American cockroach in the Addolorata Cemetery in Malta. 

‘They differ from the norm in that they have white eyes, longer antenna, shorter bodies and they move at much faster speeds,’ said Mr Sciberras. 

He said the mutant species is quite dominant, unlike the normal roaches, most of which have a docile, social character. 

An aggressive, grave-dwelling mutant cockroach is making a comeback 60 years after it was first discovered in a British coal mine. Photo shows the preserved form of the mutant Periplaneta americana found in the 1950s, left, and the regular specimen, right

‘They push and shove any other specimens of their own species that don’t share their mutation, as well as other similar-sized insects’, said Mr Sciberras.

The naturalist believes it’s the only time that this mutant form of the Periplaneta americana has been seen in the wild since it was first recorded six decades ago. 

‘It’s derived from a wild population that occurred naturally and was discovered in a coal mine in Glamorgan, in the UK, in the 1950s,’ he said. 

‘This is the first time since then, according to all the research I’ve carried out.’ 

Pest controller Arnold Sciberras recently discovered the white-eyed mutation of the American cockroach in the Addolorata Cemetery in Malta

Pest controller Arnold Sciberras recently discovered the white-eyed mutation of the American cockroach in the Addolorata Cemetery in Malta

Pest controller Arnold Sciberras recently discovered the white-eyed mutation of the American cockroach in the Addolorata Cemetery in Malta. Photo shows the mutant Periplaneta americana

Pest controller Arnold Sciberras recently discovered the white-eyed mutation of the American cockroach in the Addolorata Cemetery in Malta. Photo shows the mutant Periplaneta americana

Mr Sciberras retrieved six males and two females from the burial ground and is now breeding a captive population of the mutants for scientific study. 

‘I am gathering as much data as possible on the morphological and taxonomical variation of this species,’ he said. 

‘The saved specimens are being propagated for scientific and conservation purposes.’ 

Mr Sciberras retrieved six males and two females from the burial ground and is now breeding a captive population of the mutants for scientific study. Photo shows the mutant Periplaneta americana in captivity

Mr Sciberras retrieved six males and two females from the burial ground and is now breeding a captive population of the mutants for scientific study. Photo shows the mutant Periplaneta americana in captivity

He’s already learned that the mutants are most likely blind. 

‘It is probable that they are blind and are better-equipped for life deep underground – hence the longer feelers/antenna,’ he said. 

He’s also discovered that they reproduce very quickly. 

‘From two females we already have over a hundred in captivity,’ he continued. 

Mr Sciberras, who lives in the town of Paola, has the island’s largest and most diverse cockroach collection, featuring more than 130 types, which he hopes to one day open to the public. 


The American cockroach (Periplaneta americana) is an omnivorous scavenger and one of the largest insect species that lives in close proximity to humans.  

It has one of the largest genomes known to exist among insects, second only to the common locust.

In total, the species has 20,000 genes – which is the same number as a human. 

Some genes control its internal detoxification system, which means the cockroach doesn’t get ill if it eats toxic food.

More genes help it combat infections, meaning it is resilient to living in filthy conditions.

Cockroaches can also regrow limbs thank to its remarkable genetic sequence. 

Scientists have also found that female cockroaches are so resilient they don’t need a male partner.