How do I know the symptoms of zinc deficiency?

Zinc, besides iron, is the most abundant mineral in the human body, skin, hair and nails, and plays an important role in the libido and functioning of the immune system.

Many people suffer from zinc deficiency, where according to the World Health Organization one third of people suffer from a lack of this mineral in the body.

This mostly hits vegetarian people.

Zinc is mostly present in red meat.

A study published in the journal Nutrients shows that women who eat less than 40 grams of red meat a day are four times more likely to have zinc deficiency compared to those who consume 70 grams of meat a day.

Zinc deficiency affects the immune system, fatigue, low libido and slows wound healing.

Symptoms of zinc deficiency are:

Hair LossWhite Bones with White Stains You Don’t Have White TeethOften You’re Affected by HerpesProbe Problems