Invisible advantage

THE new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III, released early in November, is riddled with issues carried over from previous games.

The most annoying issue that has been plaguing the online multiplayer side of the game since its Nov 10 launch is the skin cosmetic costumes or rather, one skin in particular.

A costume for the operator Nila “Nova” Brown, the “Gaia skin”, visually changes her into a female-looking Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy. The problem lies in Gaia’s design, which is essentially an outline of a human created from tree branches.

Due to the thin branches and the many transparent gaps between them, players using the skin are rendered nearly invisible from a medium-far distance, while in dimly or poorly lit areas, they completely blend into the background.

The skin, which was carried over from Modern Warfare II, caused an immediate backlash from the game’s multiplayer community, with many criticising developer Sledgehammer Games for the unfair advantage the skin provides to players who pay for it.

For almost two weeks, Sledgehammer remained silent until a recent question and answer on Reddit when it finally addressed the issue.

“Adjustments to Gaia and Gaia Blackcell operator skins are in the pipeline for Modern Warfare III,“ the developer told Reddit users.

“In a future game update, we’ll disable this item until said changes can be released to all players.”

As for when players can expect the patch that will disable the skin, Sledgehammer did not reveal any specific date.

It would not be wrong to assume the developers will only do it once the skin stops being sold with the start of the game’s first season in December.