Simple quiz about who has right of way shows nearly ALL drivers don’t know their road rules

Seemingly simple road rule quiz about who has right of way stumps nearly ALL drivers – so do you know the answer?

  • A road rule quiz has stumped motorists over who has right of way  
  • RACQ asked drivers the correct order for three cars to enter an intersection
  • But the presence of multiple ‘Give Way’ signs appeared to confuse people  

A seemingly-simple road rule quiz has left drivers butting heads over who had right of way at a tricky intersection. 

The Royal Automobile Club of Queensland (RACQ) shared the question for drivers on Tuesday, asking people the correct order for vehicles to pass through. 

The photo showed three cars at a junction with the green car staying in the same lane while turning a lane.

A blue car is sitting at a ‘Give way’ sign waiting to continue straight, while a red car waits at a ‘Give Way’ sign waiting to turn right.

RACQ shared a seemingly simple question for drivers on Tuesday, asking people the correct order for three cars to travel through a tricky intersection

‘#QuizTime – in which order should the vehicles go?’ RACQ wrote. 

But the placement of two ‘Give Way’ signs puzzled drivers.

‘It’s a confusing one,’ one woman wrote.  

‘Oh my…this is frustrating to read,’ another wrote.

Several people suggested the green car had right of way, followed by the blue and then the red.

‘A. Green is obvious, blue has next because its continuation is straight and then red as he would be impeding the other cars thoroughfare,’ a woman wrote.

‘A – green has no impediment so has right of way, then blue as they are continuing straight ahead and red last because they have to cross lanes of traffic,’ another said.

But others were dumbfounded people were unable to figure out the seemingly simple road rule.

‘The only thought I would take away from this is, it makes perfect sense why there are so many accidents and road rage, rule of the road is, give way to the right in Australia,’ one man wrote.

‘Why can’t we just have standard intersections, T-junctions and roundabouts instead of a multitude of variations of each. These variations are a recipe for disaster,’ another added.

Eventually RACQ interjected with the answer.

‘#QuizAnswer is D – Green, Red, Blue. Green first as they are staying on the main road around the bend. Red is next as both red and blue are facing give way signs, so blue must give way to a vehicle on the right,’ RACQ wrote.    

The lack of correct responses prompted one man to call for increased testing for drivers. 

‘If you want to advocate for road safety, I would think one of the best things you could do, would be to advocate for compulsory road rules exams with drivers licence renewal,’ he wrote.

‘If not knowing the road rules meant not being able to renew your licence, surely it would encourage people to actively study the road rules, and then with that awareness be able to drive in a safer manner.’  

The presence of multiple 'Give Way' signs appeared to confuse people (stock image)

The presence of multiple ‘Give Way’ signs appeared to confuse people (stock image)