Scientists inject virus into kid’s brains in a desperate attempt shrink 100% fatal tumors 

One day, Abbie Mifsud was acting lethargic for the normally bright and bubbly six-year-old.  A week later, she couldn’t walk in a straight line – and five months later, Abbie was gone, killed by the aggressive brain cancer, diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG).  When Abbie was diagnosed in 2011, her mother, Amanda, was horrified and … Read more

Going gets heavy for the big bookmakers: Saddled with tough new rules, are they worth a flutter? 

With Tiger Roll set to go off as the shortest-priced favourite in the Grand National since Red Rum in 1975, bookmakers will take a bashing if the popular Irish horse scoots home for a second straight year. But they face an even bigger challenge away from the track as legislation comes into force. The maximum … Read more

How diesel discounts are only just pipping petrol – despite a 20% slump in sales

Discounts on diesel cars are still only marginally higher than those for petrol models despite a drop in sales of more than a fifth in the wake of the ‘dieselgate’ scandal, latest data reveals. Analysis by ‘mystery shoppers’ at WhatCar? who haggled dealers down from the full list price found the average discount achievable off … Read more

Heart-stopping pictures show daredevils somersaulting on precipices and dangling from cranes

On the edge of death: Heart-stopping pictures show daredevils somersaulting on precipices and dangling from cranes without a harness This gallery of images includes a daredevil who dangled his feet over the side of a skyscraper in Times Square Another shows a newlywed bride hanging off the edge of a cliff in New Hampshire wearing … Read more

Forget adding blueberries to your porridge, now scientist say you should fork out for chokeberries

Forget blueberries or bananas in your porridge, add ‘chokeberries’ – scientists say the vitamin-packed, anti-ageing fruits are even healthier Chokeberries – also known as aronia berries – are high in antioxidants Their properties aren’t damaged when heated, unlike other fruits Scientists said this gives them great potential to be added to foods like porridge They … Read more

Snowboarder, 28, has her pelvis completely rebuilt after smashing into a tree at 55MPH

A snowboarder had to have her entire pelvis rebuilt after she smashed it when she hit a tree at 55mph. Amber English, from Missouri, needed a 12-hour operation after her devastating accident in March last year. She said doctors could find ‘no comparison’ for her injuries, which also triggered internal bleeding. Intense rehab for months … Read more