Lemonade Diet

Well-known personalities have applied the so-called ‘lemonade diet’, which quickly lifts excess pounds but is far from the principle of healthy eating. While, the results of the diet (certainly) will not last long. The lemonade diet (another designation ‘Master Cleanse’) only provides juices instead of food. It consists of three ‘ingredients’: lemonade as a liquid, brackish water and tea that cleanses the body. The result is simple: in 10 days or more, you will drastically lose weight and detox your digestive system, stay energized, vital, happy, and take away the craving for unhealthy food. Healthy. It had all started with Stanley Burougs’ book The Master for Cleansing. There are many types of this diet. Peter Glikman has written the book “Lose Weight and Be Happy After Ten Days”, but there are also websites on how to lose weight through this diet.

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Does this diet work?
With such a small amount of calories added to the body, you will probably lose some weight relatively quickly. You will also reduce the weight of your muscles and bones, as well as the amount of water in your body. However, it is very likely that your lost weight will return after a certain time. There is no evidence that detoxification will keep the weight lost in advance. In terms of detoxification – it’s usually the liver that cares about it. For a long-term weight change it is best to consume healthy foods: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, fish, lean chicken and healthy fats, such as olive oil.

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In this diet, in the first ten days you are allowed to consume: brackish water, lemonade and herbal tea for digestion. During this time you do not consume any type of solid food as well as alcohol. After ten days, you can gradually add food, but only in small amounts, starting with juices and soups and then raw fruits and vegetables. Then consume a small amount of meat without dairy products.

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You will surely be hungry for a diet as rigorous as this. The authors mention that symptoms such as cravings, fatigue, boredom, and headaches should be expected. You must follow the diet instructions correctly or it will be of no use. The diet requires few ingredients, and preparation is quick. You can make the drink in advance and leave it in the fridge. Ready meals and fast food are not advised during the diet. The authors say there is no need for exercise. Vegetarians can also apply this diet. Low-calorie meals are suggested. You can replace brackish water with herbal tea. Gluten in the first ten days is not suggested in this diet.


We’ve put forward some scientists’ opinions on the so-called ‘lemonade diet’, with its advantages and disadvantages, but without precise recipes as to when, what and how much to consume. The more accurate you are to apply this diet and what you should consume and what not – you should find it in a book or on a website. You should first consult your doctor before starting this diet. Partly care must be taken because you can endanger your health.