Mum divides shoppers with her VERY unusual method for saving money at the supermarket 

‘This doesn’t make any sense’: Mum divides shoppers with her bizarre ‘trick’ for saving money at the supermarket

  • A thrifty mum has shown off her unusual budgeting method – dividing shoppers
  • The woman always puts her shopping in $10 (approximate) ‘piles’ in her trolley 
  • This way she just has to count the piles and times it by ten to add up the cost 

A mum has revealed her ‘trick’ for sticking to a budget at the supermarket – but the unusual method for saving money at the checkout has left fellow shoppers divided. 

The mum makes $10 ‘piles’ of groceries in her trolley so she can see, at a glance, how much she has spent.

She shared a picture of her shopping trolley after a recent trip to the supermarket on Facebook, drawing blue rectangles around each pile.

‘This was about $80,’ she said, adding she struggles to remember things sometimes so ‘grouping items together’ means she only has to remember the price for a few minutes.

A thrifty mum has revealed her clever way of sticking to a budget at the supermarket – but the unusual method for saving money at the checkout has left people divided

But shoppers on the budgeting and stockpiling Facebook Page were firmly divided with some slamming the idea as nonsense.

‘Just use your calculator when you put things in the trolley, that way you will have an exact number,’ one woman wrote. 

‘I would never ask you to shop for me, your way of shopping would break me,’ said another.  

Others said they liked the idea but it wouldn’t work for big shops.  

‘This is an awesome idea, unfortunately it wouldn’t work for me I buy apples 6kgs at a time so mine would never be this neat.’

‘I’d never have enough room in my trolley to do this but if it works for the op that’s good,’ said another. 

But some people loved the idea and said it is an amazing hack for visual learners.

‘This could be very helpful for someone with dyscalculia too,’ one woman said. 

‘That’s very clever, I just walk around the shop quietly counting to myself and people probably think I’m insane.’ 

How does her trolley method work? 

The mum groups things into piles valued at about $10.

If she knows her budget is $80 then she knows she can have eight piles of groceries.

If her budget was $40 she would have four piles.

This way she isn’t shocked when she gets to the checkout and can easily work within her budget. 

In her trolley she had eight piles, as follows: 

 1 – One pineapple and a stick of salami

2 – Hummus and yoghurt

3 – Chokos, berries and a capsicum 

4 – Cheese and dip 

 5 – Onion, cucumber and garlic

6 – A big bag of almonds

7 – A large packet of ham

8 – A paw paw and some limes 

One woman thanked her for the hack applauding her for giving people another way to ‘work it all out’ and said they would be using it in the future.

‘When the checkout person scans through all my items, it’s a surprise to me, what the total is. And embarrassing to have to put things back,’ she said.

Excellent idea for visual learners, not everyone is comfortable with calculators or written formats,’ wrote another mum. 

Others agreed the idea was sound but told the mum to shop somewhere else as she ‘should be getting more for $80’. 

‘Good idea but if definitely be seeing if I could use another supermarket or a fruit and vegetable shop such as spud shed so you can get more bang for buck,’ one mum said.

‘For $80 I’d be expecting a trolley with a lot more items than that,’ said another. 

Others revealed they already use a similar method.

‘I do similar while shopping, I think sometimes when I stop to do a recount though people wonder what I’m doing.’